Heather is passionate about interprofessional collaboration! She has been a licensed occupational therapist for 28 years, spending her clinical career working in teams to improve the health & wellbeing of adults/older adults. Dr. Ferro has been a clinical instructor within the OT programs at D’Youville since 2009.
CHSE, Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator, Society for Simulation in Healthcare, 2019
Awards & Honors
Medical Training Magazine: Patient Safety Advocate Award (2019)
D’Youville University: OT Faculty of the Year Award (2017-18)
D’Youville University: OT Faculty of the Year Award (2011-12)
D’Youville University: Pi Theta Epsilon's Honorary Lifetime Member Award (2012)
Research Interests
Interprofessional Education
Use of Simulated Patients
Caregiver Training
Alzheimer's & Dementia Care
Butterfoss, K, Cieri, N., Ferro, H., Beutel, B., Case, A., DeMarco, L., Dunn, B., Stewart, M., Verni, C., Whalen, M., Duszkiewicz, A., & Panzarella, K. (2022). Interprofessional education and transitions of care: A simulated curriculum from preoperative to community care, SN Social Sciences, 51(2022), https://doi.org/10.1007/s43545-022-00355-2
Panzarella, K., Butterfoss, K., Ferro, H., Cypert, J., & Koszelak, C. (2019). The benefits of training health professional students in TeamSTEPPS® prior to graduation, Medical Training Magazine, 8(1), 16-19.
DeMarco, L., Panzarella, K., Ferro, H., Pownall, L., Case, A., Nowakowski, P., Stewart, M., Duszkiewicz, A., Verni, C., Kennedy, M., Cieri, N., Dowd, C., & Dunford, D. (2015) Outcomes of an Interprofessional Simulation Curriculum, Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 7(2), 453-468. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JARHE-10-2014-0086/full/html
Panzarella, K., Rivers, L, Bright, B., Whelan, M, Butterfoss, K., Russ, L., Case, A., Brian, S., Ferro, H., DeMarco, L., Dunford, D., Schmitz, K., Kittleson, H., Kennedy, M., Brzykcy, D., Pownall, L. & Reddington, M. (2013). Using Actors as Simulated Patients for Interprofessional Education: A Year Long Production, Medical Science Educator, 23(3S). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF03341666