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It’s time to fill out your FAFSA for 2025-2026! D’Youville School Code 002712

Kathleen Border, EdD, RD, CDN, FAND

  • Associate Professor


Kathleen Border is a nutrition education professional with over 25 years of experience in designing and implementing education programs for diverse audiences. She is an advocate for bringing nutrition education programs to underserved communities throughout her career in dietetics. Her experience in community nutrition and higher education has led her to collaborate with stakeholders to support healthy eating initiatives in schools. Dr. Border is an academic leader with proven success in program design by meeting national accreditation standards. She has held several volunteer leadership positions at the state, local, and national levels with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She initiated a series of study abroad experiences and has traveled with students exploring food and culture in Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Portugal. She currently serves as an Associate Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics at D’Youville University, Buffalo, New York.  

Education & Training

  • EdD Health Education, D'Youville University
  • MS Nutrition Education, Framingham State University
  • BS Food and Nutrition, Plattsburgh State University College

Awards & Honors

  • Fellow of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (FAND) (2014)
  • Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics -Nutrition and Dietetics Educators and Preceptors Outstanding Educator Award (2012)
  • Silver Medal Award – The Council of Food Service Administrators/Western New York Dietetic Association. (2009)
  • Distinguished Dietitian – Western New York Dietetics Association (2006 and 2011)

Research Interests

My research interest lies in understanding the complex interplay between nutrition, health, and social determinants of health within diverse communities. Specifically, I am interested in exploring innovative approaches to promote healthy eating behaviors and improve nutrition outcomes through community-based interventions and nutrition education programs. I am also interested in investigating the impact of policy and environmental changes on food access, affordability, and quality within underserved communities. By identifying effective strategies to enhance nutrition education and improve food environments, my research aims to contribute to the development of evidence-based interventions that promote healthy eating and reduce health disparities.


  • Border,K. (2023) Global Cuisine Food and Culture Laboratory Manual. Kendall Hunt, Dubuque, IA

  • A Logic Model for Evaluating the Impact of a Community Collaboration to Provide Culturally Relevant Meals to Students in a Large Urban School District. Border, K., Hohl, M., Obrien Wood, B., Billinski, C. D’Youville Research Day April 19, 2023. 

  • Medically Tailored Meals for Adults with Eating Disorders:A Pilot Program. Alongi, K, Helms, M, Border, K.   New York State Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Meeting and Exposition Poster Presentation. Syracuse, April 2022.

  • Border, K., Mocny, L. (2021). Implementing a Higher Education Food Science Laboratory Course During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 7:089 DOI:10.24966/FSN-1076/100089
  • Border, K. (2019). Implementing a Farm to School Nutrition Education Program in a Large Urban School. Journal of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice, 3(1).
  • Border, K, Endrizal, C., Cecil, M. (2019). Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Revised 2018 Standards of Professional Performance for Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (Competent, Proficient, and Expert) in Education of Nutrition and Dietetics Practitioners. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics,119 (1).
  • Border, K, Brogan, M. (2017, June).  An evaluation of a pilot farm to school program: Student knowledge and awareness. Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy, 7(3):30.
  • Border, K., Whelan, M. (2017, Summer).  Cultivating Collaborative Learning: An Intraprofessional Workshop on the Scope of Practice in Nutrition and Dietetics. NDEP-Line, 14-17.
  • Kielich, E., Border, K., Weiss, E., & Clay, L. (2016). Monday, October 17: School Nutrition Employee Observations of Student Food Consumption since the Implementation of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Journal of The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 116(Supplement), A58.doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2016.06.199
  • Border, K., Michalek, A., Rafalson, L. (2016). Career Decision Making and Intent to Take Credentialing Exam: Perspectives of Dietetic Technician Students. Journal of Health Science, 6(1): 7-11.
  • Border, K., Michalek, A., & Rafalson, L. (2015). Factors Influencing Career Decisions of Dietetic Technician Students. Journal of The Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, 115A11. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2015.06.023
  • Border, K., & Whelan, M. (2014). Cultivating Collaborative Learning: An Intraprofessional Workshop on the Scope of Practice in Nutrition and Dietetics. 2014 Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo, October 18-21, 2014, Atlanta, GA. Journal of The Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, 114(9), A16. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2014.06.035


Contact Information

Email: Office: SASE 037