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D'Youville Launches New Education Programs

August 16, 2018
D'Youville Launches New Education Programs

D'Youville Launches New Education Programs

D’Youville expands graduate programs to support community need for strong education and healthcare leaders.

Ahead of the start of the 2018 fall semester, D’Youville is preparing to launch a number of initiatives that will position the college as a trendsetter in the development of education leaders.

  • Online MS in Nursing Education with a Clinical Focus program: Designed to accommodate working nurses through a 100 percent online program. Nurse educators work inside and outside of the classroom to train healthcare professionals, build community health education programs, and lead policy initiatives in industry and government agencies. In this program, students will develop the communication, teaching and technology skills needed to transform their clinical knowledge into rewarding, educational experiences.
  • Online doctoral program in Health Professions Education: Currently under review by the New York State Education Department, will prepare clinicians to become leaders in higher education who will educate the next generation of healthcare providers.
  • Articulation agreements with Canisius College and St. Bonaventure University: Allows students from Education and Leadership at Canisius and St. Bonaventure master’s programs to move seamlessly into D’Youville’s doctoral program. These collaborations will offer credit toward doctoral education to select master’s degree School Building Leader (SBL) and District Leader (DL) students, and credit toward New York State SBL/SDL certification to select D’Youville doctoral students.

“D’Youville has a longstanding reputation for being innovative and forward-looking, with a focus on differentiating ourselves from other institutions of higher education, offering students an education they cannot receive elsewhere,” said President Lorrie Clemo. “The college is driven to continue to create pacesetting programs that match the needs of today and tomorrow’s students and the communities in which they will be working.

“At D’Youville, we are building an education ecosystem that inspires lifelong learning. We are finding our new place, part of a larger environment, developing a community of educators, focusing on high-demand education programs at the graduate and doctoral level. Our existing doctoral program in Educational Leadership prepares professional educators to meet the social, economic, political and cultural challenges now confronting educational institutions and society as a whole.”

Earlier this summer, D’Youville received $5 million from New York State through the Higher Education Capital (HECap) Matching Grant Program for construction of the Health Professions Hub, which will prepare future healthcare providers through innovative educational methods with an emphasis on inter-professional practice.

The college has entered into a new partnership with Leonardo da Vinci High School PS 212, which is located on campus, allowing Buffalo Public School students to earn college credits while still in high school. The courses will create direct pathways to health sciences, and other STEM majors as D’Youville looks to raise completion rates in both high school and college while closing the gap in the demand for educated workers. D’Youville is also partnering with Charter School of Applied Technologies and Health Sciences Charter School to develop and implement early College Program that will allow students to earn college credits ranging from 21 to 60 credits and earn post-secondary credentials, certificates, and associate degrees.

“Given the college’s increased focus on graduate education leadership, which is in line with current strategic initiatives, the administration, supported by the Board of Trustees, has decided not to reintroduce the teacher education program in the foreseeable future, shelved in 2016 due to declining enrollment.”

“Our teaching program was small,” Clemo said. “Other local colleges and universities are doing an excellent job preparing the next cohort of teachers. This is an excellent example of collaboration, so we are not duplicating programmatic offerings of other local schools.”

“Under Dr. Clemo’s leadership, D’Youville is defining where the college excels, what the community needs are, and how D’Youville can leverage our mission and the curriculum around that mission to do good,” said Charles (CJ) Urlaub, chair of D’Youville’s Board of Trustees.

“As we look forward, we will continue to build on our rich legacy of excellence in education and develop educational leaders who are uniquely qualified to use theory, research, and evaluation to improve the quality of education. We will equip our students with leading-edge skills and proven practices and thereby stay at the forefront of the field of education. Our new mission for our educational offerings is to provide our students with the opportunity to impact the field of education, and to serve the public good ultimately,” Urlaub said.


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