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Important Update on D'Youville's COVID-19 Response

March 15, 2020
Important Update on D'Youville's COVID-19 Response


Important Update on D'Youville's COVID-19 Response

Buffalo, New York – March 15, 2020

D’Youville Community:

As you know, we are closely monitoring the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and preparing for its continual and changing impact on our campus community. The first cases of COVID-19 in Erie County were announced yesterday and County Executive Mark Poloncarz and Erie County Health Commissioner Dr. Gale Burstein recommended today that all schools in the county be closed Monday while officials assess how to proceed. County Executive Poloncarz and Commissioner Burstein acknowledge the difficulties imposed by long term school closure, including its effect on the workforce in critical sectors, and are carefully determining the most appropriate next move.

The ultimate goal of our planning and decision making is to keep our students, faculty, staff and broader community safe and healthy. We are equally committed to ensuring our students can complete their academic requirements for the semester and graduate on time.

We ask that students, faculty, staff or administrators who are sick stay home and do not come to campus. You should call your doctor and report your symptoms. Please follow the health guidelines issued by health officials: CDC, NYS Department of Health, Erie County Department of Health.

Below are D’Youville’s updated COVID-19 response plans in real time. These plans are effective through March 30th. Please read carefully. We will continue to provide updates as plans change and we receive guidance from local, state and federal officials.

Student Travel and Return to Campus

  • We strongly recommend that all students who are able to remain at home, do so until further notice.
  • Students returning from countries with Level 3 transmission of COVID-19 are asked to self-quarantine and notify the local health department upon their arrival. We also request they register at for tracking purposes.
  • Canadian students should follow guidance issued by the Canadian Government as noted here on the Canadian health notices website regarding travel to the U.S. We strongly recommend that you remain in Canada and that you do not come to campus.

Classes, Labs, Simulations and Clinicals

  • Spring Break is extended through Monday and Tuesday, March 16-17. All classes are canceled.
  • Labs and simulations are canceled Wednesday - Friday, March 18-20 to allow faculty to transition to a digital format.
  • Clinical placement instructions will come from your host site and/or your faculty.
  • Beginning Wednesday, March 18 all classes will be offered in digital formats only.
  • Beginning Monday, March 23 all labs will be offered in digital formats only.
  • Technical assistance to continue your academics as well as all campus services will still be available to student. For assistance please contact studentcovid19info@dyc.

Residential Students

  • Any Residential student who needs to return to campus must contact Chief Student Affairs Officer Benjamin Grant at to be sure your on-campus needs are met.
  • Residential halls and dining will be available for students who need to return to campus and require housing and meals. Additional health and safety precautions and protocols are being implemented in these areas.

Remote Work for Faculty

  • Beginning Monday, March 23rd faculty will have the option to work remotely. Faculty working remotely will provide instruction and regular office hours in a digital format. Students will be notified by faculty if they opt to work remotely.

This is a serious situation and these are disruptive decisions, but I believe they are important steps in reducing the spread of the virus.

I want to thank our Task Force on COVID-19 and the many other faculty, staff and administrators who are planning for and addressing this complex and fast-changing situation as we confront the complexities of moving to digital learning. Most importantly, I thank our students and their families for their understanding, patience, and support of these decisions.

We will continue to keep you updated via email and we will also update our COVID-19 webpage.

Please check the website and your email regularly to stay informed of this rapidly evolving situation.

Lorrie Clemo


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