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Career & Professional Engagement
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- Career & Professional Engagement
At D'Youville, we're committed to your career success.
Explore career options, create a customized career plan, and prepare for your life after graduation with the Career and Professional Engagement Center.
If you're an alumni looking for new employment options or you are planning a career change, we're here to help.
Our Services
We personalize services to your needs. We help you:
- Identify career interests
- Define career, internship and graduate school goals
- Locate resources to help you find an internship
- Write a resume, compelling cover letters and letters of intent for graduate school
- Research scholarship opportunities
- Develop networking skills and opportunities
- Practice interviewing
- Research employers and find job openings
- Understand transitions and coping with change
Handshake: Online Career Tool
The Career and Professional Engagement center hosts HandShake, an online career readiness platform, exclusively for D'Youville students, graduates, and alumni.
Main navigation
- Academic Calendar
- Health Careers Opportunity Program
- Degrees and Programs
- Professional Development
- Schools and Departments
- Academic Resources
- Clinics, Labs & Facilities
- Study Abroad
Contact Us
D'Youville Career and Professional Engagement
Office Hours: 8:30 AM — 4:30 PM Monday through Friday
Buffalo, NY 14202
Fax: 716-829-8156
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