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Graduate Student Resources

Project Requirements

The Project and Thesis Handbooks are required to complete your final project or thesis within your department of study. Several other forms related to graduate studies that may be required can also be found below.

*Please note: Forms completed in a browser window may not save properly. Instead, download (right-click the link and select "Save target/link as") first, then use Adobe Acrobat Reader to complete and save the form.

Institutional Review Board Approval

Research conducted for a thesis, a project or as part of your coursework may require the approval of an Institutional Review Board (IRB).

  • IRB is short for Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects.
  • All institutions involved in research with human subjects, that also receive federal funds, are required to have an IRB.
  • IRBs are composed of volunteers (at colleges and universities they are mostly faculty) who meet on a regular basis.

IRB Manual and related forms